Thursday, March 09, 2006

A future collectible

Or at least let's hope that's what becomes of the mailer real estate agent Vicki Geers sent to residents of Los Altos Hills two weeks ago. I was wondering how she thought she could trick somebody into giving her $15.5 million for the Winbigler property (the one at the top of the S-curve).

The answer? Free advertising from the Town Crier, as only the Town Crier can do. (I'm assuming that Geers is buying some paid advertisements with them, although I'm not sure whether anyone spends that kind of money on something they saw advertised in a newspaper).

Unfortunately, most of the time, $15.5 million isn't all that unreasonable for 7 acres in the hills. Just not these 7 acres, which, in addition to being located on a fairly steep hill, are cursed with the legacy of Toni Casey and Pinewood, not to mention the ghost of the Rudolph tree.

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