Sunday, May 21, 2006

All the news that's fit to reprint

The Mercury News must really be hurting for local content. A day after running a story from the Palo Alto Daily News about a sex assault on Del Medio Avenue in Mountain View , the paper played up the story by running it word for word the exact same story again.

The only difference you can tell on the Web is that the editors decided after running the story twice they ought to give a byline to Luke Stangel (a Daily News reporter who apparently works for a no-longer-existent company called Knight Ridder). The real reason is that they either forgot or neglected to run the suspect sketch on Thursday, despite it being the main point of the story.

(Lacking a scanner, I have to ask you guys to trust me on this one).

A longer and slightly different account appeared in the Voice.


Anonymous said...

That's a trick we should have tried in Talon.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Now, I actually read the story Molly wrote. That is some scary shit. The woman escaped one attacker and (possibly) run into an opportunistic attacker who happens to be on the streets.

That is clearly not a safe neighborhood. Really horrible. And you're right the Merc did tell a different version.