Monday, May 14, 2007

Misdemeanor rambunctiousness

Great police blotter from my hometown paper this week, and not just because of its new policy of naming arrestees (at least as long as they are from out of town).

Malicious mischief

May 5, 2:51 a.m., 700 block of Los Altos Avenue: Santa Rita School officials reported that a flag pole rope was cut and vandalized with shaving cream, ketchup and chocolate.

This makes NO sense. The criminals poured all of those things on the rope? What would the point of that be? And how did Santa Rita "school officials" find out about this at 2:51 a.m. on a Saturday?

(This is also a convenient segue to a coming post about Craig Harrison, who once built a rope-and-pulley contraption capable of painting the LAHS flagpole as a "science project")


Mike Laursen said...

It's obvious that the pole was attacked by a gang of youthful Dadaist rapscallions.

Mike Laursen said...

FYI. The Mountain View Voice has announced their big website redesign. They now have a "Town Square", "a community forum for discussion about local topics and